The online Meat Café
A Digital Networking Event
Online. Event. Scenario. Trailer
Unfortunately, the network´s traditional end-of-the-year drink was not possible in 2020. Or was it? The online networking-drink was hardly inferior to the real Meat Café. Including a lively discussion at the regular table, informal interaction with visitors and tasty snacks. As if you were really there.

Every year, the COV traditionally closes the year with a private networking event where interesting speakers are present and a topical theme around meat is discussed. In 2020 the event could not take place because of the Corona pandemic, the COV was looking for a worthy alternative that invitees would not just pass by.
Flawless technology, experience, atmosphere and interaction, and good communication beforehand. As far as we are concerned, those are the absolute conditions for a successful online event. This requires a solid organisation and a good concept.
Scenario, location, technology, speakers: check. Still it remains exciting to see who actually logs in from the comfort of their own living room. A stimulating trailer and a goodie bag that invitees received shortly before the event (tasty, atmosphere enhancing and above all a good reminder) were sent to convince the invitees. Successfully. Eighty visitors took part in the Online Meat Café on the 3rd of December with the theme: ´The real price of meat´. ‘Een reële vleesprijs’.
In the studio, a location with allure, the speakers sat down at the table with the chairman of the day. Around them, large screens with all eighty participants. As a visitor you were literally there and had the opportunity to make your contribution. The public's opinion was regularly asked considering statements, to which participants could respond with the red and green cards they received in their goodie bag/care package. The combination of the informal interaction, the in-depth discussion, fascinating speakers and participants, and the impressive setting resulted in an online networking event with impact.
¨Worked together very well with the enthusiastic team of JEEN; driven from the creative ideas to the practical implementation of our complete, successful Online Meat Café.¨
Jort Heijmans, Communication Manager COV

